Wednesday, November 12, 2014


He looks cute, but I don't like or want him in chains! T___T
Name: Toby
Japanese Written Way of Name: トビー
Birthday: 1/1
Age: 19
Hobbies: Can't have any because he's in chains
Way Of Life: Prisoner
Located: With and Is Ivano's prisoner
Best Friends: He had no choice to say Ivano or Ivano would kill him
Relationship Status: Taken but about to be single because he went missing and Babe hasn't seen him in years.
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Red
Race: Human
Gender: Male

Other Information:
I'm a prisoner of Ivano's. I never did anything to him. He's stabbed, shot and done other things to me. But for some reason, he always takes care of me after he hurts me. I have nothing to do.