Monday, November 24, 2014


Death Note. Misa Amane.
Name: Melody
Japanese Written Way Of Name: メロディー
Birthday: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Hobbies: Slaughter
Way of Life: Murder
Located: Unknown
Best Friends: None
Relationship Status: Taken
Sexuality: Unknown
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Race: Half Demon
Gender: Female

Other Information:
See my scythe? It was crafted by the demon's of hell. I am very grateful. I've met other half demons, and we share alot of the same qualities. Like we all want to kill, yet we always have a heart for someone. My parents died along time ago, When I burned the house down. They broke my heart. My Dad told me he hated me, because I was half of my human mother. My Mother kept me close at hand, but Dad kept her close and told me to leave. I love watching people beg for their little lives. Dad taught me this. But he's probably waiting in hell, waiting to rip off my head for killing him. I basically DO NOT regret killing him. He was a mean man. I have a little sister, I don't know what happened to her. After she saw Mom and Dad die, She ran. She's a half demon like me. I want to find her, so we can be together. But I don't know where she could be, it's been years. 

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