Wednesday, November 12, 2014


ADOPTED! This is Iris. She has been struck with cancer and only has two years to live. Even with her condition, Iris is always positive and happy. She has a bucket list that she'd like to complete before she dies.
Name: Iris
Japanese Written Way Of Name: アイリス
Birthday: 12/16
Age: 13
Hobbies: playing with her Bunny, Fighting her Caner, and Watching TV
Way Of Life: American
Located: Tokyo, Japan
Best Friends: Mela
Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Transsexual
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Aqua
Race: Human
Gender: Female

Other Information:
I have cancer. I get sick about twice a month. Doctor says I have 2 years to live. I will die at age 15. I am not scared. I am thankful for everything I have. My parents are dead, so I will enjoy being with them in the afterlife. 

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