Thursday, December 11, 2014

Anime To Expect :)

Here is a list of names of characters to expect :) So keep on the look out.



Love this girl!!!!!!! She's awesome!!
Name: Allison
Japanese Written Way Of Name: アリソン
Birthday: 3/10
Age: 16
Hobbies: Fashion Friends
Way Of Life: Total Outcast
Located: New York City, New York, USA
Best Friends: Cole
Relationship Status: Taken
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Blue/purple with black
Eye Color: purple
Race: Human
Gender: Female

Other Information:
Talk to me! I could be your best friend!!! ~Allison


My name is Ari
Name: Ari
Japanese written way of name: アリ
Birthday: 2/5
Age: 26
Hobbies: Music, Anime
Way Of Life: Gothic Creep
Located: Tokyo, Japan
Best Friends: Erica
Relationship Status: I will hurt any guy who flirts with me.
Sexuality: I don't care, just don't flirt with me.
Hair color: white
Eye Color: Yellow
Race: Demon
Gender: Female

Other Information:
I bite. I kill. I will hurt you. You are next. 

Saturday, December 6, 2014


I'm Darling!
Name: Darling
Japanese written way of name: ダーリン
Birthday: 2/14
Age: 16
Hobbies: Fashion, Friends The Works
Way Of Life: Primadonna girl
Located: Paris, France
Best Friends: Lollipop and Sunshine and Rainbow
Relationship Status: Single but mingling
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Race: Human
Gender: Female

Other Information:
Primadonna girl.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Images depicted are not representative of the final product. The final product will be localized into English and layouts may be changed to ...
Name: Rebecca
Japanese Written Way Of Name: レベッカ
Birthday: 2/9
Age: 16
Hobbies: Music and Fashion
Way Of Life: Popular Stuck Up Girl
Located: New York City, New York, USA
Best Friends: Music
Relationship Status: Taken
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Race: Human
Gender: Female

Other Information:
I'm a stuck up music and fashion snob. I'm popular. Cheerleading makes people look weird. I'm a basketball person. 

Name: Lili
Japanese Written Way Of Name: リリー
Birthday: 7/2
Age: 16
Hobbies: Painting
Way Of Life: Artist
Located: Tokyo, Japan
Best Friends: Raven and Rebecca
Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Race: Human
Gender: Female

Other Information:
Greetings. It's Lili <3 I'm an artist :D I do graffiti around town. People love me.


anime girl
Name: Venus
Japanese Written Way of Name: ヴィーナス
Birthday: 4/2
Age: 14
Hobbies: Gardening
Way Of Life: Garden Keeper
Located: Unknown
Best Friends: None
Relationship Status: Taken
Sexuality: Lesbian
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Race: Fairy
Gender: Female

Other Information:
I'm Venus! I'm a Fairy <3